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Catching up with Programming Languages (CS152)

Finding papers


The main conferences in programming languages are:

They are now all part of the same journal, Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL).

Other journals in programming languages include HOSC, JFP and TOPLAS.

Other conferences in programming languages include ECOOP, FLOPS, GPCE, ITP.

Workshops co-located with conferences above can also be good source of papers. Workshops include PEPM, PADL, language-specific workshops (Scheme, miniKanren, Haskell, Coq, …), topic workshops (egraphs, …), and many more. Note that for students, PLMW workshops co-located with the main conferences provide funding and mentoring.

Some topics/papers

Reflective Towers of Interpreters

Prof. Nada Amin might present on reflective towers of interpreters, and their collapsing using the following sequence of artifacts/papers:

As a staring point, see the SIGPLAN blogpost on reflective towers by Prof. Nada Amin.

Algebraic Effects

Theoretical Foundations
Applied Systems

Binding Structures

Probabilistic Programming

Relational Programming

Theorem Proving / Formal Verification / Proof Assistants

Differentiable Programming

Reconciling High-Performance, Safety and Abstractions (Rust, Staging, …)

Domain-Specific Languages (for data processing, machine learning)